Restaurant, Beach, Restoran, Plaža

Plaža Jaz se nalazi na 2,5 km od Budve prema gradu Kotoru. Sastoji se od dvije pješčane plaže ukupne dužine 1200m. Vodeći svjetski turistički vodič “Lonely planet” proglasio je plažu Jaz – za najbolju evropsku plažu.

Morski ježevi su jasan dokaz čistoće mora. Čarobni izlazak   i izvanredni zalazak sunca oduzimaju dah. Sunce i morski ježevi u harmoničnoj prirodnoj koegzistenciji predstavljaju zaštitni znak našeg restorana bar “HORIZONTALA”

Vrhunac posjete “HORIZONTALA” upotpunjen je zdravom hranom koju priprema naš profesionalni tim kuhara, sa zadivljujućom crativity i brigom za goste.

Možete očekivati ​​ugodan položaj “HORIZONTALA” na našoj plaži, okružen prirodnom ljepotom, brzim servisom i kreativnim timom spremnim da ispuni sva vaša čula.

Jaz beach is located at 2.5km from Budva towards city of Kotor. It is consisted of two sandy beaches with combined length of 1200m. World’s leading tourist guide, “Lonely planet” proclaimed Jaz beach – the best European beach.

Sea urchins are clear evidence of sea purity and sea cleannes. Magical sunrise and extraordinary sunset are breathtaking. The sun and the sea urchins in harmonic natural coexistence represent trademark of our restaurant bar “HORIZONTALA”

Climax of visiting “HORIZONTALA” is completed with healthy food which is prepared by our professional team of chefs, with breathtaking crativity and care for guests.

You can expect pleasant “HORIZONTALA” position on our beach, surrounded by natural beauty, fast service and creative team ready to fulfil all your senses.


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