Apartmani MASTER 5


Master 5 apartmani nalaze se na adresi Nikole Đurkovića 5 u samom srcu Herceg Novog. Nastali su iz želje da se kao ljubazni domaćini oprobamo u ulozi izdavaoca smještaja i želje za dodatnom prezentacijom svih ljepota koje Herceg Novi kao grad nudi.

Naše apartmane smo radili sa posebnom pažnjom uvijek vodeći računa o visokom standardu i komforu. Trudili smo se da dobijemo elegantno i ekstravagantno mjesto za što ugodniji boravak naših gostiju. Vodeći računa o svakom detalju, malo po malo, uspjeli smo da sa puno ljubavi realizujemo naš poduhvat.

Luksuzni, udobni i po najvećim svjetskim standardima opremljeni apartmani, savremena su verzija odaja nekadašnjeg hotela Balkan koji je na ovom istom mjestu svoja vrata otvarao gostima još davnih dvadesetih i tridesetih godina prošloga vijeka.

Svaki od naših 5 ekskluzivnih apartmana će Vas inspirisati na drugačiji način, jer svaki ima svoj poseban šarm. Za lijepe snove ,za Vaš nezaboravan odmor u gradu Sunca, mirisa mora, mimoza i zlatnih plodova agruma, potrudićemo se maksimalno.

Na Vama je da se uvjerite!


U perfektno dizajniranom apartmanu Palm island, ambijentalni spoj boja čini Vas stanovnikom romantičnog ostrva pod palmama. Motivi iz prirode harmonično su oplemenili ovaj raskošni prostor stvoren za uživanje.
Brojosoba : 3 osobe
Kvadratura: 28m2
Pogled: Ka pješačkoj zoni

In a perfectly designed Palm Island apartment, an ambient color combination makes you a citizen of a romantic island under palm trees. The motifs of nature harmoniously enrich this luxurious space created for enjoyment.

Number of persons:  3 persons

Size: 28m2

View: Pedestrian Zone


Uz osmijeh hercegnovske Rivijere ,vedre i plave, zasigurno će Vaš boravak u ovom luksuznom, prostranom apartmanu biti ispunjen isključivo užitkom. Ovo je prostor namjenjen za odmor u srcu grada čiji će doživljaj upotpuniti savršen pogled u plavetnilo mora i neba.

Brojosoba : 4 osobe
Apartman sa dvije spavaće sobe i dnevnim boravkom
Kvadratura: 57m2
Pogled: Prema moru sa balkonom i pogled ka pješačkoj zoni

Along with the smile of the Herceg Novi Riviera, bright and blue, surely your stay in this luxurious, spacious apartment will be filled exclusively with pleasure. This is a place intended for a holiday in the heart of the city whose experience will complement the perfect view of the blue of the sea and the sky.

Number of persons:  4 persons

Apartment with two bedrooms and a living room

Size: 57m2

View: Sea view with a balcony, view to pedestrian zone


Sea view, see you – apartman, pravi je izbor sa božanstvenim pogledom na more kao na pozornicu za brodska jedra i galebove. Ovaj ambijent plijeni šarmom i pruža Vam zaista poseban osjećaj, savršen odmor i mir.

Broj osoba : 2 osobe
Kvadratura: 25m2
Pogled: Prema moru, francuski balkon

Sea view, see you –  apartment, it’s a real choice with a divine view of the sea as a stage for ship sails and seagulls. This ambience provides charm and gives you a truly special feeling, perfect rest and peace.

Number of persons:  2 persons

Size: 25m2

View: Sea view, French balcony


Ovdje sve odiše vedrinom i prefinjenim stilom. Kada spustite kofere u Cruiser line apartmanu, počinje Vaše nezaboravno “krstarenje”. Želimo Vam mirno more.

Brojosoba : 2 osobe
Kvadratura: 25m2
Pogled: Prema moru, francuski balkon

Everything here reflects a cheerful and refined style. When you drop your suitcases in the Cruiser Line Apartment, your unforgettable “cruise” begins. We wish you a calm sea.

Number of persons:  2 persons

Size: 25m2

View: Sea view, French balcony


Otkrijte tajne zaliva pogledom iz Flamingo bay apartmana. Doživite nezaboravno buđenje jutra i pozdrav Sunca pogledom sa balkona. U savršenom, elegantnom enterijeru, osjetićete nesvakidašnju udobnost.

Broj osoba : 4 osobe
Kvadratura: 42m2
Pogled: Prema moru, sa balkonom

Discover the secrets of the bay with a view from Flamingo Bay Apartments. Experience the unforgettable awakening of the morning and the greeting of the sun with a balcony view. In a perfect, elegant interior, you will feel unbelievable comfort.

Number of persons:  4 persons

Size: 42m2

View: Sea view, with a balcony

Master 5 

Apartments are located at the address 5, Nikole Đurkovića St., in the very heart of Herceg Novi. They were designed from the desire, being friendly hosts,to provide accommodation and the desire for additional presentation of all the beauties that the city of Herceg Novi has to offer.

Apartments are made with special devotedness to high standards and comfort. Elegant and extravagant, they are perfect place for your comfortable and enjoyable stay. With a lots of love and high dedication to every detail, step by step, we succeed to realize our project.

Luxurious, comfortable and equipped with the highest standard of living, the apartments are a modern version of the former hotel Balkan, which opened its doors to the guests at this very place in the 1920s and 1930s.

Having a unique charm, each of our 5 luxurious apartments will inspire you in a different way. We will do our best for your sweet dreams, for your unforgettable vacation in the city of the Sun, the smell of the sea, the mimosa and golden citrus fruit. It’s up to you to see for yourself!


2 reviews


    Ovo je savrseno! Odavno nesto ovako lijepo nisam vidjela…svaki apartman ima svoju pricu..svaki detalj je studiozno smisljen i bas tu treba da bude..čista desetka za one koji su ovu bajku osmislili…



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Nikole Đurkovića 5
Herceg Novi Herceg Novi Municipality ME
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