Restaurant & Pizzeria LA TAVOLA

Restaurant, Pizzeria, La tavola, Ulcinj

Ljubazno osoblje, ugodna atmosfera i ukusna hrana su ono što nam je pomoglo da se izdvojimo od ostalih restorana u našem gradu. Nakon mnogo godina rada i iskustva, uspjeli smo održati visoki stepen profesionalnosti  i uvijek nastojimo poboljšati našu uslugu i uvijek biti u mogućnosti pomoći našim gostima i učiniti da se osjećaju kao da su kod kuće. Ovo je restoran koji niko nije posjetio samo jednom.

Osnovani smo 2009. godine i od tada imamo goste iz više od 50 zemalja koji iz La Tavole nikada nisu izašli nezadovoljni.

Nudimo vam specijalitete nacionalne i mediteranske kuhinje. Toliko je ukusna hrana da svaki vaš dolazak u Ulcinj biće i posjeta našem restoranu, postaćemo vaša stanica u ovom drevnom gradu.

Friendly staff, cozy atmosphere and delicious food is what helped us stand out from other restaurant in our town. After many years of work and experience, we managed to maintain a high level of excellence and are always looking to improve our service and always be able to help our guests and make them feel as if they’re at home. This is a restaurant nobody visited only once.

We are established in 2009, and since then, we have had guests from 50+ countries, that never left La Tavola unsatisfied.


2 reviews

  1. Excellent Serviceand Great Tasty Food


    Cozy place, with excellent food, where the friendly staff will make you feel welcomed, and where the atmosphere will bring you back couple time more.


    Odličan restoran, besprekorna usluga, hrana vrhunska!
    Sve pohvale i preporuke za ovo divno mjesto

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Very Good

Rr. Hafiz Ali Ulqinaku, Ulcinj 85360, Montenegro
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