Avanturistički park KRSTAC

avanturisticki pard, Adventure Park
Avanturistički park Krstac smješten je u samom srcu Nacionalnog parka Lovćen. Ušuškan u šumi crnog bora sa čijih se oboda pruža impozantan pogled na Bokokotorski zaliv, park predstavlja idealno mjesto za bijeg od svakodnevne vreve gradskog života. Krstac je mjesto sa bogatom istorijom i polazna je tačka jednog od najljepših panoramskih puteva u Crnoj Gori koji vodi od Njeguša ka Kotoru. Avanturistički park Krstac pozicioniran je na istom mjestu na kom su austrougari izgradili žičaru koja je spajala planinu sa morem. U ovom savršenom kutku u prirodi dom je pronašao i naš puh Krcko koji zna što je prava uživancija.
U Nacionalnom parku Lovćen posmatrati cvijeće je prava avantura! Na našim proplancima i u šumama možete pronaći najrazličitije endemične, ljekovite i aromatične biljne vrste poput pelina, matičnjaka, vranilove trave, smilja, hajdučke trave, kantariona, tatule, velebilja, kleke, bijelog gloga, Federikove kamenjarke, Grisebahove lale, modrog lasinja, zanovijeta, kuglastog devesinja, nježne kockavice i mnogih drugih. Najljepši među njima, jedinstveni Lovćenski zvončić, omiljeni je cvjetić našeg puha Krcka.
Avanturistički Park Krstač na Njegušima pruža jedinstvenu priliku za istraživanje netaknute prirode Crne Gore, spajajući ljubitelje prirode i avanturiste u nezaboravnom iskustvu. Ovo je mjesto gdje se priroda i avantura susreću, stvarajući uspomene koje će trajati cijeli život. Doživite uzbuđenje, otkrijte ljepotu, dođite i osjetite duh avanture u srcu Crne Gore.


Avanturistički park Krstac urađen je u skladu s preporukama stručnjaka i prema najvišim evropskim standardima kvaliteta za avanturističke parkove.

Koristimo opremu švajcarskoga proizvođača Kanopeo – Speed runer, kojim su opremljene sve staze, dok su kacige i pojasevi od američkoga proizvođača  Black Diamond.

Prednost Speed runer sistema je u tome što se, za razliku od običnoga karabinera, korisnik ni u jednome momentu ne odvaja od sajli za koje je pričvršćen sve do trenutka silaska sa staze, što omugućava bezbjedno korišćenje i za najmlađi uzrast.

Prije polaska na stazu zajedno s vama popunjavamo kratak upitnik o sigurnosti i vašem zdravstvenom stanju, dok vas naši instruktori obučavaju kako rukovati opremom.


Lična zaštitna oprema

Kako bismo pružili stoprocentnu bezbjednost našim klijentima, park smo opremili vrhunskom zaštitnom ličnom opremom. Black Diamond Half Dome kacige

Black Diamond  Momentum DS pojas

Spidŕruner   carabiner

Petzel trac  pokey


Svi instruktori prošli su obuku u skladu sa standardima EN 15567-2 i  ERCA (Europien Ropes Curs Association).

Zaštita od požara

Vaša avantura je u sigurnim rukama. Prepustite se uživanju u predivnoj prirodi Nacionalnog parka Lovćen znajući da je osoblje avanturističkog parka Krstac posvećeno zaštiti od požara. Naša ekipa redovno nadzire područje i sprovodi preventivne aktivnosti kako bi očuvala ljepotu parka. U parku postoje stroge protivpožarne mjere i pravila ponašanja koje garantuju vašu bezbijednost i očuvanje prirode:

  • zabranjeno je paliti vatru na području nacionalnog parka osim na za to predviđenim mjestima. Upoznajte se s pravilima Nacionalnog parka u vezi s upotrebom otvorenog plamena i izgaranja. Poštujte oznake i uputstva o zabranjenim područjima.
  • pazite na opuške cigareta: Ako pušite, uvijek se pobrinite da pravilno ugasite cigaretu i ne bacajte opuške na tlo. Kontejneri i kante za otpatke su najbolje mjesto za odlaganje opušaka.
  • prijavite sumnjive aktivnosti: Ako primijetite bilo kakvu sumnjivu aktivnost ili dim u području koje nije određeno za paljenje vatre, odmah prijavite našem osoblju, parkovnim službama ili nadležnim vlastima.

Zaštićene vrste

Nacionalni park Lovćen, mjesto nevjerovatne prirodne ljepote, dom je mnogim zaštićenim vrstama flore i faune. Pridružite nam se u podizanju svijesti o zaštiti ovog jednistvenog područja kako bi naše biljke i životinje rasle i živjele slobodno. Uživajte u punom sjaju ovog čarobnog parka prirode ali imajte na umu da je:

  • zabranjeno krčiti šumu i stvarati nove obradive površine
  • sakupljati rijetke i endemične vrste
  • brati i sakupljati gljive, šumske plodove bez odobrenja nacionalnog parka
  • upotrebljavati hemijska sredstava koja zagađuju vodu i zemljište
  • koristiti hemijska sredstva u šumama protiv štetnih insekata
  • ispuštati otpadne i neprečišćene vode u vode jezera, rijeka, potoka i bara
  • davati hranu, vodu i so divljači
  • uništavati životinjska staništa, gnijezda i jaja
  • rastjerivati, uznemiravati, hvatati, ubijati sve životinjske vrste, uključujući i insekte
  • unositi strane (alohtone) biljne i životinjske vrste

Rukovanje otpadom

Održavanje Nacionalnog parka čistim zajednička je odgovornost kako zaposlenih tako i posjetilaca. Priroda u kojoj danas uživamo mi, pružaće svoju ljepotu budućim generacijama samo ukoliko se prema njoj budemo odnosili s poštovanjem. Kada boravite u nacionalnom parku ne zaboravite da:

  • odlažete otpatke isključivo na mjestima predviđenim za to.
  • ukoliko kampujete, (na za to predviđenim područjima) potrudite se da pri odlasku očistite površinu koju ste koristili
  • ako primijetite otpatke od prethodnih posjetilaca nemojte se ustručavati da ih pokupite. I najmanja vaša pomoć u očuvanju prirodne čistoće i ljepote parka je dobrodošla.
Kontakt : 
Adresa:  Krstac b.b., Cetinje, Montenegro, 81250
Adresa e-pošte : [email protected]
Website : http://www.krstac.me/
Telefon : +382 69 484 663
Facebook : krstac.me
Instagram:  krstac.me

Adventure Park Krstac is nestled in the heart of Lovćen National Park. Tucked away in a forest of black pine, its edges offer an impressive view of Boka Bay, making it an ideal escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Krstac is a place with a rich history and serves as the starting point for one of the most beautiful scenic routes in Montenegro, leading from Njeguši to Kotor.

Situated at the same location where the Austro-Hungarians once built a cable car connecting the mountain to the sea, Adventure Park Krstac offers a unique blend of history and natural beauty. In this perfect natural haven, our resident puh (Montenegrin mountain cat) Krcko has found a home, understanding the true meaning of leisure.

Come and experience the allure of Adventure Park Krstac, where history, breathtaking views, and the tranquility of nature converge for an unforgettable escape.

In Lovćen National Park, observing flowers is a true adventure! On our plateaus and in the forests, you can discover a diverse array of endemic, medicinal, and aromatic plant species such as wormwood, lemon balm, valerian, immortelle, yarrow, St. John’s wort, thistle, hellebore, juniper, white hawthorn, Federico’s stonecrop, Grisebach’s tulips, bluebell, marjoram, ball-shaped daphne, delicate checker-mallow, and many others. The most beautiful among them, the unique Lovćen bellflower, is the favorite flower of our mountain cat Krcko.


Adventure Park Krstac has been designed in accordance with expert recommendations and adheres to the highest European quality standards for adventure parks. We use equipment from the Swiss manufacturer Kanopeo – Speed Runner, which is installed on all trails, while helmets and harnesses are from the American manufacturer Black Diamond. The advantage of the Speed Runner system is that, unlike a regular carabiner, the user never disconnects from the cables to which they are attached until they descend from the trail, ensuring safe use even for the youngest age groups. Before heading to the trail, we fill out a short safety and health questionnaire together with you, while our instructors train you on how to handle the equipment.

Personal Protective Equipment

To provide one hundred percent safety for our clients, the park is equipped with top-notch personal protective equipment. Black Diamond Half Dome helmets, Black Diamond Momentum DS harnesses, Speed Runner carabiners, Petzl Trac Pokey.



All instructors have undergone training in accordance with the standards EN 15567-2 and ERCA (European Ropes Curs Association).


Fire Protection

Your adventure is in safe hands. Enjoy the beautiful nature of Lovćen National Park knowing that the staff of Krstac Adventure Park is dedicated to fire protection. Our team regularly monitors the area and implements preventive activities to preserve the beauty of the park. The park has strict fire protection measures and rules of conduct that guarantee your safety and the preservation of nature:

Lighting a fire in the national park area is prohibited except in designated areas. Familiarize yourself with the rules of the National Park regarding the use of open flames and burning. Respect signs and instructions about prohibited areas.

Be cautious with cigarette butts: If you smoke, always ensure that you properly extinguish the cigarette and do not throw butts on the ground. Containers and waste bins are the best places to dispose of cigarette butts.

Report suspicious activities: If you notice any suspicious activity or smoke in an area not designated for fires, immediately report it to our staff, park services, or relevant authorities.

Protected Species

Lovćen National Park, a place of incredible natural beauty, is home to many protected species of flora and fauna. Join us in raising awareness about the protection of this unique area so that our plants and animals can grow and live freely. Enjoy the full splendor of this magical nature park, but keep in mind that:

  • Clearing the forest and creating new arable surfaces is prohibited.
  • Collecting rare and endemic species is prohibited.
  • Picking and collecting mushrooms, forest fruits without the approval of the national park is prohibited.
  • Using chemical agents that pollute water and soil is prohibited.
  • Using chemical agents in forests against harmful insects is prohibited.
  • Discharging waste and untreated water into lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds is prohibited.
  • Feeding, watering, and salting wildlife is prohibited.
  • Destroying animal habitats, nests, and eggs is prohibited.
  • Chasing, disturbing, catching, killing all animal species, including insects, is prohibited.
  • Introducing foreign (non-native) plant and animal species is prohibited.
  • Waste Management

Maintaining the national Park clean is a shared responsibility of both employees and visitors. The nature we enjoy today will provide its beauty to future generations only if we treat it with respect. When staying in the national park, don’t forget to:

Dispose of waste only in designated areas.

If camping (in designated areas), make sure to clean the area you used before leaving.

If you notice litter from previous visitors, do not hesitate to pick it up. Even the smallest help in preserving the natural cleanliness and beauty of the park is welcome.



Kontakt : 
Adress:  Krstac b.b., Cetinje, Montenegro, 81250
Website : http://www.krstac.me/
Mobile : +382 69 484 663
Facebook : krstac.me
Instagram:  krstac.me

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